The D. of E. Expedition
A team of staff took two groups of students to Wales for a weekend for their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. Thank goodness it was only bronze - during the trip the weather deteriorated rapidly and a member of staff, Mindy Scheer, disappeared.
Fearing that she was in danger, the team arrived back at school to discover something rather different...
(hand written letter, in the handwriting of Mindy)
Dear Miss Davies...
I am sorry if I have been a bother to you or any of the people at the school. That was never my intention. I do feel that you are all owed an explanation. I hope you will forgive how long it has taken me to get back to you, but I have been a little busy.
The trip was very exciting for me. So exciting, in fact, that I couldn't sleep. I felt nature and destiny calling me. I am sorry if this sounds lofty or strange, but that's how this whole thing feels to me. I have always been a repressed dreamer, having to conform for those around me. It wasn't really me, but a hollow shell of a puppet in the hands of strangers I didn't know, but had been bossing me around all my life.
I went for a small walk that night, and was enjoying the cool rain upon my skin, but became aware that as I walked away, it seemed like I was suddenly free from my old life, which was melting in the rain behind me. I never felt so free before, and I owe it all to you and the school for organising the trip.
I had not gone far when I heard a sound from the side of the road. Like someone in trouble. I went to see who it was and it turned out to be a man who had fallen off his horse. I helped him get up, as apparently his leg was broken. We made it to his house, which is a few miles from the camp. I would like the exact place to be a secret for now, it is easy enough to find it, but I do not wish to be found at present.
This is because I fell deeply in love with the man that I helped and although he is somewhat older than I, he felt the same way about me as I about him only moments after we got to his house. I have also been looking after him, since we got back from the hospital. I stayed at a pub near the hospital to be near him.
Please understand this is a very serious relationship and we are to be married in a few months (in Scotland). I do not feel, however, that it would be appropriate for any of my school acquaintances to be at our wedding. It will be a private "do" as he calls it, and he even insists that only a few of his own relatives be invited.
I may send someone for my things at the school, and it is no real secret where I am. If you wanted to find me I know you could, but I must please ask you not to. I do not want to be hunted like an animal anymore than anyone else, but any sign of trouble and we will have to depart for Scotland that much sooner.
I have notified my family and although they disapprove, this is my decision to make, not theirs. If your school has taught me anything, it is to stand up for what one feels is right. I thank you for that.
I would just like to stress that I am not under any threat or obligation, and it is my own wish to be wed with this man. I feel I will be happy with him for as long as we both shall live. I thank you for understanding my situation, but I did, and do, not want anyone to jeopardise my situation.
I thank you for the part you, and my friends at the school, have played in the union of me and my beloved husband to be.
The Exit of Bill Bowman
Swimming Pool, morning:
A tracksuit-clad Bill Bowman stalked angrily along the line of swimsuit-clad schoolgirls standing by the poolside, counting them up. Eight minutes into the lesson and they were only just out of the changing room!
The girls - one of the Lower Sixth classes, aged around 17 - were already shivering slightly in the damp air of the swimming hall. They stood, with hands behind backs in the military ‘at ease’ style Bill demanded of all his classes - one day he’d teach them to snap to attention, he’d decided, but he hadn’t gone that far yet. Anyway, ‘at ease’ made their chests thrust forward nicely. They were nervous, not daring even to fidget, which was what Bill liked.
Eventually Bill finished counting - 29. He spoke:
“Who’s missing?”
Suzanne Walker raised a hesitant hand - Bill turned to look at her. Tallish, good-looking, short blonde hair, blue eyes, a few freckles. Her swimsuit was quite high-cut, dark blue.
“Um, Emma - Emma Morrison’s not here yet. I don’t know if…”
Bill nodded, turned, and went through the exit that led into the girls’ changing room. Behind him, a couple of the girls uttered visible gasps of surprise.
Emma Morrison was an attractive, shapely girl with dark brown eyes and long auburn hair, which she kept tied in a plaid. She’d been late for PE, and, forgetting that Mr Bowman an not Ms Gorman was taking this lesson, she’d rather dawdled. Hence she had just removed her stockings and was unclipping and removing her brassiere, when Bill Bowman entered the changing room.
For a moment, Emma couldn’t believe that she was looking at a male teacher inside the changing room. He looked angry, too. Emma gasped, hugging the bra to her chest.
Bill yelled.
Then Emma’s arm was suddenly grabbed, the bra torn from her grasp and flung across the floor. With a second movement, her knickers were pulled down around her ankles. Emma gasped again, horror mingled with disbelief.
Bill yanked her arm, and Emma was dragged stumbling towards the entrance to the swimming pool. She nearly tripped on her knickers before managing to get her feet out of them.
Bill emerged back into the swimming hall, pulling the naked and horribly embarrassed pupil along by her left wrist. He shoved her into position at the end of the disbelieving line, before leaning close to bark into her frightened face.
“If you can’t get changed, you can take the lesson in the buff for all I care! I’ll see you after class.”
Then Bill stepped back and with a blow of his whistle, thirty stunned schoolgirls finally jumped or dived into the water. The lesson had begun...
Needless to say Bill is no longer at the school.